Butterfly emerges triumphant!

The cattterpillar crawls away.. 
Of its potential glamour, 
Of the struggles that lay ahead. 
Slithering around, 
Enjoying its independence!

When suddenly.. 
To its dismay... 
Its finds itself trapped!! 
In a brawl and tussle
To let itself out.. 
Fearing it's end of existence! 

Refusing to give up though, 
Utilising all its efforts..
Thrusting with maximum impact, 
Holding onto certain hope
The chrysalis shall keep straining
Yet unaware of the magic ahead! 

When suddenly transformation happens.. 
It feels itself evolving.. 
The trap around it opening up..  
Out it emerges!! 
Basking in its absolute glory
Celebrating a novel experience! 

The butterfly has emerged triumphant.. 
The wings its new power.. 
The gift for its resilience!! 
Its beauty, its glory, 
Nothing can contain it now
From its flight of victory!! 


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