The poet in me

The poet in me ventured out,
Seeking a poetic identity..
Looking around frantically
A place to share my expressions freely..

The poet in me kept striving 
Till one fine day I stumbled upon
The breathtaking forum Motivational Strips 
I felt very soon like I have made it home. 

The poet in me kept sharing, 
After all my poems had found sweet abode, 
Guidance from a dear sir
And appreciation from fellow talented literates! 

The poet in me kept evolving, 
Inventing and reinventing myself.. 
To be accepted, acknowledged, encouraged, 
To be appreciated and awarded became a goal! 

The poet in me blossomed 
Blooming among all the vibrant flora of this forum 
All the mellifluous music of the poetry that flows here.. 
My honor and privilege to be a flower among a stunning garden. 

The poet in me Congratulates dearest Shiju Sir and my Motivational family 
Three magnificent years down the line, many many lie ahead.. 
What a literary journey we have embarked upon
Lets move ahead.. majestic and stronger than ever before! 


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